Through his knowledge and experience in the domain of labour law ( which he has a professional obligation to constantly up-date ) the certified public accountant assists the company general management in finding solutions to problems in the area of labour law, disputes with employees, and management of personnel.
Labour law
- Application of the law and labour regulations
- Consultation on the specific problems of labour law
- Study, analyse and draw–up employment contracts
- Solution of redundancy problems
- Problems arising in dealings with employee representatives : trade union delegates, works council, trade union law
- Study and application of texts relative to the employees‘ participation in profit sharing
- Profit sharing scheme (set–up, control)
- Training schemes
Specific prolems arising with employees
- Consultation on specific problems relative to social security and other matters avising with personnel (management retirement schemes, additional health insurance, …)
- Preparation of salary slips and set up salary accounting system
- Completion of the relevant declarations arising from employment of personnel
- Assistance in dealing with the Social Security Administration and Employment Inspectors visits
Preparation of the annual statement required to meet obligations under the labour laws
- Study and set–up of systems to prepare this document
- Audit